Category: Uncategorized

  • January

    They said, “You seem happy…” I asked myself, “Am I?” I tend to conceal my sadness with laughter. However, these problems heaped up too high these days until I couldn’t hold my tears anymore. I strive to finish those problems one by one, get closure, and improve myself. Oh, February, please be kind. Until I…

  • You: a letter from 2011

    Ada sebuah kutipan yang mengena banget buat gue… Yang paling perih dari sendirian tuh bukan pas kita lagi sedih. Justru pas kita lagi ketawa seneng tapi gak ada yang bisa kita ajak ikut ketawa –Wisnu (Cinta Silver) Well… I hope that one day you’ll have someone to share those laughter with you… Wish you well……

  • French Island

    French Island

    Kajsa (my Swedish friend) and I went to French Island on a mission to find a koala in the wild. Everyone knows Phillip Island, but where in the world is French Island? We took a train from Flinders Street station to Frankston and changed to another train to Stony Point. It took almost 2 hours…

  • Prodromos

    Mentally, I feel fine. But, I think, physically, I’m stressed out. Cocok banget dengerin ‘Fix You’. Sekian. P.S. Penarikan kesimpulan yang sungguh tidak scientific. Wish me well, Folks!! Later.

  • Olive Branch

    I saw a headline in today’s news (when I drafted this post), ” Prince William extends an olive branch to the Sussexes“. I was a bit perplexed when I saw this idiom. According to Cambridge Dictionary: hold out/offer an olive branch idiom to do or say something in order to show that you want to end a disagreement with someone. The…

  • A Trip to Yarra Bend Park

    A Trip to Yarra Bend Park

    Spring break is here! A couple days ago, I went trekking with some friends to Yarra Bend Park. The weather forecast announced a 95% chance of rain all day, so only 6 crazy brave people showed up. Anyway, the weather held up, and we only experienced mild rain. I found out that Flying Fox (the…

  • Dance of the Baroness

    Late Saturday night, at the 1888 Building… I was ready to go home when I heard someone play “Dance of the Baroness” in the mezzanine. Captivating… Coincidentally, I watched Maksim Mrvica’s concert at Palais Theatre the night before. It was lovely… I shed tears of joy when I heard “Exodus” and “Gymnopédie No. 1”. I…

  • Another city, another chapter

    Another city, another chapter

    Two months in Melbourne!! So many new things… That I’ve decided to write AGAIN. First thing first, I like to take a walk around my neighborhood in Brunswick, and I’ve just realized that Victoria Street and Albert Street are located next to each other. Is it intentional? As an avid fan of ‘The Young Victoria’,…

  • Story from the second happiest province..

    Hello, folks! Tak seperti lebaran tahun lalu ketika saya tidak bisa pulang ke rumah karena mendapatkan tugas jaga rumah kadinkes posko mudik lebaran di Brebes, tahun ini saya berkesempatan menikmati cuti lebaran, suatu kemewahan bagi tenaga kesehatan di mana pun. Bertukar cerita dengan mereka di Jawa, tak sedikit yang kaget ketika mengetahui saya bertugas di…

  • Another city, another story..

    It’s funny how fate works.. Saat ini, saya sedang menjalani internsip (saya gak salah ketik, memang nama programnya internsip gak pake ‘H’) di Kota Ambon, Provinsi Maluku. Setelah sejak TK sering dikira memiliki darah Maluku, baik karena nama maupun warna kulit, akhirnya saya menjejakkan kaki di tanah ini. Sudah sebulan saya di sini. Culture shock?…